Picture Gallery – Art and Music

Parmesan and national artists exhibit in the spaces of the Casa della Musica in Parma.

Meeting Art and Music gives special attention to young people and artists active in the city of Parma, united by their interest in the depiction or expression of musical art.

At the Caffè del Prato, inside the Casa della Musica, from posters to covers, representations will be set up, giving attention to every technique (from painting to digital illustration), dedicated to the world of music, to musical instruments, and of course to the musicians who accompany and have accompanied our lives with great compositions or musical performances.

Great prominence will therefore be given to those national and local artists who, in their activities, have shown great interest in the world of music, manifesting this inspiration through figurative works, posters, and drawings.

Finally, at each edition, an artist will be selected to illustrate a poster dedicated, in a limited series, to one of the Barezzi Festival’s outstanding concerts.

In addition, during the three days of the Barezzi Festival, there will be an opportunity to invite an illustrator of international standing to Parma and have him or her interact with the young under-30 artists of Parma. The works in the boxes are by Gerri Lunatici, and we will soon provide more information on his exhibition in the ‘Art Gallery.’ Follow us.

Venue: Casa della Musica – Parma
Season: Sep – Nov 2024

3 days in Parma

During the Festival, you can take advantage of the vast artistic and cultural offerings of the city of Parma. We cannot fail to start at the Teatro Regio, with which we have been collaborating for years, where you can experience the Italian opera tradition and also, thanks to the Barezzi Festival, the contemporary music scene on one of the country’s most prestigious stages.

A few steps away, in the Teatro Farnese inside the Palazzo della Pilotta, discover a Renaissance wooden jewel that survived the war to show its grandeur — a pearl of theatre and architectural history. In the same Palazzo della Pilotta, the Galleria Nazionale displays masterpieces by artists such as Correggio, Parmigianino, and Leonardo da Vinci. It is a must for Renaissance art lovers.

Not far away, next door is the Museo Bodoniano, where you will find original prints and tools used by the master Giambattista Bodoni, one of the most influential figures in the history of typography and graphic design. It is no coincidence that we use his font in our graphics. Yes, Giambattista Bodoni, one of the five most important typographers in the world, belongs to Parma.

We cannot fail to include in these little suggestions a stroll through the center, where you will find Parma Cathedral, which impresses with its imposing Romanesque structure and its interior adorned with Correggio’s fresco of the Assumption of the Virgin. Next, the Baptistery of Parma surprises you with its pink marble architecture and interior decoration. And finally, in the Abbazia di San Giovanni Evangelista, you can appreciate Correggio’s frescoes and the serenity of the cloister.

Finally, a small curiosity: the Castello dei Burattini shows you the fascinating world of puppets, with a unique collection that enchants all ages.

For an out-of-town excursion, visit Busseto, the birthplace of Giuseppe Verdi. Here, the Verdi Theatre, the Casa di Verdi, and the Casa di Barezzi bring you closer to the life of the famous composer and, above all, to Antonio Barezzi, Giuseppe Verdi’s patron and the man who inspired us to embark on our journey full of history and music, identity, and exploration.